How to Search on Mac – Search with Spotlight on Mac

How to Search on Mac – To search any site or any content on google at first you have to open a web page and then put some input and after searches, it gives you to proper output which you are looking for.

How to Search on Mac – Search with Spotlight on Mac

How to search on Mac

How to Search on Macbook & iMac?

For searching content on your Mac, you can use the spotlight. With the help of the spotlight, you can find many types of content, applications, documents. You can also get some news, sports news, weather information, and many more things.

For that go to the menu bar and click on the upper right corner. Or instead of that just simply press the command Space bar. Then enter the contact you want to search or find. Forex. You can enter “hotels near me”. When you search that contact then you will get the list of hotels near your location. To open any search result then just double-click on that.

And if you won’t see other search results then just use the up Nd down arrow keys. You can also search using file type, location, the format of contents. Spotlight can find any type of information and with the help of sources like web, music it can show any calculations, diversions to you. The advanced benefit of the spotlight is you can drag it or you can move it to any side of the screen or you make it bigger.

If you are a new user for the spotlight then just go to the search field and type what you are looking for after entering you will get the results. Find the contents you want on the web using spotlight and spotlight suggestions in-app store, iTunes store. With the help of that, you can find anything you need.

What do you search on Mac?

If you are searching for specific content or file format then you have to use search operators to find the content in MAC OS X. if you are searching regular file type is Mac so then you have to use generalized file operators in the search box like-kind:(file type).

The search operators can be anything like “image”, “music”, “video”, “word file “etc. So if you want to find any image and you know the format then you just simply enter kind: image. For searching images, you need an image operator. If you are using the kind: type operator in finder windows then it will show you the entire matches of that type of file.

If you are searching a specific file format in MAC OS X then assume that you know the file format then it will show you results you are looking for egg kind:(file format). If you already know the type operator then enter directly operator. It will work the same as previously. The file format searching operator is literal like the file format of the image is “.jpeg”, “. pang” or the file format of music is “.mp4”, “.mp3”

If you know the general name of the file or you know the exact file name then you can use it as a search operator like kind: (operator) “result.pdf”. this will work great.

Read More:

Search operators are very powerful and with the help of them searching gets easier on Mac.

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