How To Show Hidden Files Mac OS X Shortcut – Finder or Terminal

Show Hidden Files Mac Shortcut – Do you know Mac has some secret files that are not visible to you? Even many of us do not realize how much-hidden data is there on your Mac. There are many files from the basics like preference files for user data and apps to core system data required by your Mac to run in a correct way.

In order to prevent you from accidentally changing or deleting important data that you are Mac requires these files and folders hidden by Apple. It is a good reason, but at times when you need to view these out-of-the-way corners on your Mac’s file system.

Show Hidden Files Mac Terminal Shortcut Finder

How To Show Hidden Files Mac OS X Shortcut

To avoid the inaccurate operations of an average user Mac has always been highly protected. Therefore, it is impossible to access some system folders. However, the experts know the ways to show hidden folders on Mac.

The Files are Hidden on a Mac?

In UNIX hidden files are preceded by a. (dot) that are not available in the normal files. They could be a .htaccess file, a. bash_profile, etc. The folder like /usr,/bin, etc is also hidden. The hidden folder a user can access from the library folder where your personal application-support files in some cases data are stored.

Why are some Files or Folders Hidden in the Mac?

Some files and folders are too confusing and another is dangerous for most users so they are hidden. You might feel confident that you know what you are doing on Mac, but some users could cause damage or data loss if they were able to mess with the files in the library.

How to see the Hidden Files and Folders on Mac?

  1. You need to write to the Terminal.
  2. Open the Terminal application from Launchpad.
  3. Type the command
  4. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles-bool true
  5. Restart the Finder with a command:
  6. Killal Finder
  7. You can see hidden files & folders in the Finder.

Repeat the operation change in the command the last word to false if you want to hide them back.

How to make Hidden Files Visible with Applescript?

  • You can see the hidden files on Mac quickly by using the AppleScript application.
  • Open the AppleScript via Launchpad.
  • Copy & paste into the editor’s window the following code:
  • Display dialog “Show all files” buttons {TRUE, FALSE} set result to button return of result.
  • If the result equals TRUE then
  • Do shell script “defaults write
  • AppleShowAllfiles-boolean true

How to Show the Hidden Files on Mac?

  1. Open the finder it is a blue face-shaped icon located in your Mac’s Dock.
  2. Click Go it is located in the top-left row of the menu items. Doing so will take you to a drop-down menu.
  3. Click computer this option is about halfway down the Go drop-down menu.
  4. Double-click the hard drive icon it is a grey box.
  5. Press Shift +Command+. this combination displays the hidden folders in your Mac’s hard drive.
  6. Press this command again to hide the hidden files again and make them invisible.

Read More:

Recovery of the Hidden Files on Mac?

Have you accidentally deleted the hidden files on your Mac? Do not worry; you can recover it back using Disk Drill. Data recovery with a Disk drill is a simple process thanks to the polished user interface.

You need to launch the application, select the storage device and let the disk drill analyze the content of the hard drive. After finishing the process a list of deleted files and you can select which of them you would like to recover.

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